Thursday, March 8, 2012

Urinary tract infections -UTI- pain free at last!

For over a decade I suffered from chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs). Bladder infection after bladder infection, month after month.  I experienced the burning, stinging pain that would make me keel over in agony; this misery was my frequent companion for 10+ years. The doctors I went to didn't help educate me on what was causing them, I was given "rubber stamp" advice that was ineffective, and I was always only prescribed a slue of antibiotics. For 10+ years this pattern wrecked havoc on my body and my life until I took matters into my own hands and decided I would find my own cure. My decision to discover my own cure worked.

My name is Adrienna and I can remember when the vicious cycle of my ten years of UTIs began. It was the 1990's, when I was about 20 years old and attending college. For the first time, I was suffering from a bladder infection. Of course, At the time I didn't even know what one was, but I knew that urinating was painful, my bladder was twinging and I had an insatiable urgency to go to the bathroom every couple minutes. And, every attempt to go hurt even worse than the time before

With these symptoms I went to the campus health clinic and they prescribed me my first dose of antibiotics to remedy the infection. Wow, what relief I thought. Just pop these pills twice a day and in48 hours I have no more pain!  neither the doctor, nurse or the pharmacist  gave me any advice about the harshness of  antibiotics on my gut, nor advice to take probiotics immediately after the prescription was completed. Probiotics? I'd never heard of them. There wasn't the wide spread available knowledge of such things 20 years ago. Back then the internet didn't even exist!

At the time, I didn't understand what caused a bladder infection, and therefore didn't have the knowledge on how to prevent them - so I went on as normal, not changing a thing.  It was only a matter of months before I got another bladder infection.  But this time I did know what one was, so I immediately went back to the school health clinic for another antibiotics prescription. Again, absolutely no advice went with them, so my ignorance was prolonged for many more years.  Since the internet didn't exist then, many people including myself, relied on our doctors to inform which, they didn't.

Fast-forward to when I was 26 and married.  I began developing recurrent bladder infections nearly every month versus from one every 4-5 months as before.  I was still blessed at the time with having never gotten a yeast infection, even after another round of antibiotics. Since nothing felt wrong, I continued living 'dumb'. It was just so easy to go to the doctor for a week's worth of antibiotics to  'fix' the problem. And since they never asked questions about why I may be getting bladder infections so frequently, it never occurred to me that the cause may lie in what I was doing or not doing. Bladder infections were talked about like they were something that 'happened' and was just an unfortunate fact of life.

This went on for another 4 years, a round of antibiotics 3-7 times a year. No biggie right? After all, I trusted my doctor would tell me if I was doing something to cause these infections or hurting my body by taking so many frequent rounds of antibiotics.

When I was 30, things started to change.  I woke up one morning with a head full of fog. My tongue was coated with an ugly white 'stuff', with painful red cracks running through it.  My urine was cloudy, accompanied by a bloated gut and complete exhaustion. It was morning, but I just couldn't get out of bed.  I had just gotten my first yeast infection caused by a recent round of antibiotics.  So the doctor gave me Diflucan to treat the yeast infection. This happened several more times, the antibiotic-Diflucan cycle until the Diflucan stopped working.  You know what the doctor said to me at the time? "Hmmm. I wonder why this keeps happening to you?" as she prescribed me another dose of antibiotics and Diflucan.  You mean, not even my doctor knew? I felt powerless, like a victim to this bladder infection condition, and in complete physical misery due to the symptoms.

I decided to try another doctor, who only prescribed the same type of drugs. Then I went to a different doctor after that who again just offered the same treatment, perhaps only a different version of antibiotics.  Doctor after doctor, they were showing themselves to be all the same and my health continued to get worse.  Since antibiotics were the only remedy conventional medicine had to offer me, I decided to begin researching on my own to find a natural cure for myself. We now had the internet, and thus, the ability to find answers for ourselves. In my research I learned about antibiotics and their long-term damaging effects (which explained the health problems I had begun experiencing). I became more and more determined to find a natural way that not only cured the infection, but was also 100% safe for my body.

The following 2 years I continued to research UTI's and yeast infections and during this time I tried all types of natural methods from herbal teas, essential oils, tinctures, homeopathies and drinking ridiculous amounts of cranberry juice.  But none proved themselves to be a 100% cure. Either the remedy was good at prevention and not curing or gave only some or temporary relief. I wanted the complete, permanent  package and wasn't going to feel satisfied until I found it.

Finally my insistence paid off. I discovered what I call a "miracle" UTI (urinary tract infection) remedy that was what I found to be a 100% permanent solution in both prevention and curing! The uti cure used in combination with my knowledge of how to prevent a UTI, has kept me off of antibiotics for 6 years now and counting! My health has improved and I feel confident and secure going about all my regular activities knowing I'll stay UTI-free.  

Throughout my diligent years of research for a UTI cure, I also discovered a 2nd method (not a supplement) in bladder infection prevention that I believe when combined with what I call the "miracle" UTI remedy, becomes a powerhouse combination in urinary tract infection relief.  

Unfortunately I learned through personal experience, that most doctors only practiced completely within the realm of pharmaceuticals.  They simply didn't know, or ignored the possibility of safer, more effective alternative healing methods. When I realized prescriptions for antibiotics weren't the answer for me any longer, I wished I could find a guidebook with the real answers for a safe & healthy bladder infection resolution. It would have been heaven if it had been that easy! But with no guidebook available at the time, I struggled forward through extensive studying and experimenting with many, many, natural alternatives (costing a pretty penny)  until I found the answers for myself. Not only did I discover my answers, it didn't empty my wallet, hallelujah!

So that others can avoid this cycle of pain, disablement and expense, I have written an e-book to share with other UTI victims on how t be free of bacterial related bladder infections and in doing so, feel self empowered to free themselves from their UTI prison as I have. The methods I share are effective, simple & quick, safe, and don't require an expensive doctor's visit. Best of all, they work - they are the exact methods I use for myself, still to this day.  I invite you to join me in this liberating experience. To learn more, go to: